Enhancing Lives Together

Sustainability FAQs

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At Vitaflo, sustainability is at the heart of all we do. We are often asked about what types of commitments we're making, and our plans for the future. Please read our frequently asked questions (FAQs) for more information and if you have any further questions, please contact sustainability@vitaflo.co.uk.

All information is correct as time of publishing (August 2022).

sustainable packaging

Sustainable Packaging

Why does Vitaflo use plastic in their packaging?
What is Vitaflo doing to increase its use of recycled plastics?
How is Vitaflo reducing its plastic usage?
Is Vitaflo looking to ‘simplify ' its packaging?
How is Vitaflo exploring reusable packaging?
How is Vitaflo exploring degradable packaging materials?
How is Vitaflo helping to develop plastics collection, sorting and recycling schemes?
How is Vitaflo phasing-out non-recyclable or hard-to-recycle plastics?
How is Vitaflo developing alternative materials?
Where can I recycle my Vitaflo packaging?
What is Vitaflo’s policy on Single Use Items and waste to landfill?

environmental impact

Environmental Impact

Can I receive increased quantities of my product/s to reduce the shipping footprint of my deliveries?
Are Vitaflo taking steps to reduce its company emissions?
What does ‘net zero’ mean?

community engagement

Community Engagement and Culture

How are Vitaflo UK colleagues making sustainable contributions in their local community?
What are Vitaflo's sustainability priorities in the short and long term?
Do Vitaflo have any existing partnerships?
What progress has been made at Vitaflo to date?